
I Miss BBall!
Funny huh? I'm not the sports kinda of girl and I'm a typical girl. Like, really girly. *clears throat* Not perasan-ing okay. hahah. To be honest, i never like basketball. And i suck in every sports (: I suck in basketball too okay. But ever since i started joining those guys for basketball, my liking in bball starts to grow.  

 Bball members are getting lesser. Boo-Yeong is in Malacca and Soon Wei is in KL.
Tonight, there's only 6 of us.

 I tied my hair! ;p yea, normally i'll just let off my hair like siao char bor. I don't like to tie my hair. It makes my hair out of shape. 
 Jay Sern. The pro.

 Tong Aik

 Sarish. The joker
He makes all kinds of crappy jokes that will make you ROFL

 You can never stop laughing when u're with them.

 Jo Wern.

 Slippers VS. Sport shoes ;p


Though there were only 6 of six, bball was still fun though. Sarish challenged 5 VS. 1. That is, him VS. the 4 of us. Crazy right? As if he will ever win us. hahah. Wait, more like 3 VS. 1. Jay Sern and I were posing there. Laughing at Sarish. LOL. And someone said Sarish runs like a pregnant lady. hahaha. Maybe because of his 'sai tor'. *grins* oh! i scored alot! *happy happy*

After that, we sat down and talk and laugh. We were talking about Sarish wanting to be a criminal lawyer. Everyone was making fun of him. One thing you have to know bout Sarish. He smiles all the time. hahah. So you can imagine him, criminal lawyer? LOL. He can't even be serious! 

Sarish said he wanna sue KFC because Bandito (not sure if i spell it correctly) was originally from Chapati. LOL. doesn't make sense! hahah. And he started to make fun of Tong Aik; if tong aik was a lawyer, what will he sue and stuff. All jokes that will make you LOL.

Wanted to go yam cha with Joel but mum was already on the way. Boo Yeong's not here anymore. Can't go back late until i pass mummy's test =/

I drove back with Jo Wern sitting behind. hahah. Jo Wern, how's my driving skill? not bad eh? I didn't knock the car alright. i break in time! =D

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